In the spring of 2009 both Janice and I were on sabbatical, and we began practicing yoga twice each week. We have continued to practice at least once/week, depending upon our work schedule, and we recently started practicing Yin Yoga. We really appreciate the gentle and prolonged body positions (asanas) that result in a deep, relaxing stretch.
Some of the Yin Yoga Asanas (body positions) we have experienced and recommend.
Butterfly - loosens up the spine for deeper forward bends
Dragonfly (aka Straddle) - opens the hips and the back of thighs
Child's Pose - grounding and soothing
Half Shoelace (similar to Shoelace, but with the bottom leg extended forward) - hip opener, as well as decompression for the lower spine when folding forward, but I felt the stretch primarily in the hamstring of the extended leg
Sphinx and Seal - loosens up the spine for deeper back bends
Melting Heart (Anahatasana) - good stretch for the upper and middle back, opens shoulders, softens the heart
Cat pulling its Tail - counterpose to strong forward bends, decompresses the lower back, opens the quadriceps and upper thighs
Snail - one of the deepest releases of the whole spine
Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana) - This pose gently brings a greater awareness to the hip joints.
Lying Twists - at the end of the practice helps to restore equilibrium in the nervous system and release tension in the spine, bringing the bent knee more to the chest can relieve sciatica, tones the stomach
Shavasana (corpse pose - literally 'dead posture') - time to rest the body so that the body becomes stronger and healthier
Terms and definitions credited to: The Home Page of Yin Yoga
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