Friday, July 17, 2009

Like Daughters, Like Father

I am so in love with my daughters and proud to be their dad. It continues to be amazing to be a part of their life journeys.
Abby, now 13 and pictured here with her dad, is at times so very mature for her age. An independent, yet social soul, she is a woman, a young lady, and a kid all bundled together, trying and succeeding in figuring out who she is, what she likes, wants, needs--and doesn't in life. I know I need to giver her space, and I am never really successful in doing this. I want to be a part of her life so much, that I often step over the line and intrude upon her independence. But I am learning. I love it when she gets my humor and smiles or giggles at my jokes, even if it is uncool for a teenager to laugh at her parent's old fashioned humor.

Naomi, now 7 and in the video below, is quirky, comical and a bundle of energy. A natural gymnast and borderline contortionist, she doesn't seem to ever stop moving, and I mean percolating, until we put her to bed at night. She is initially shy, really shy, until she reaches her comfort zone. Then, look out! I just want to pick her up and swing her around or let her climb on me like she would a jungle gym--and she does. Right now, her passions are: toys, playing, toys, treats, playing, sleeping over at Grandma Roberta's, playing, toys, her puppy, Zacchaeus.
I see some of me in both my girls, which is fun and scary. They are teaching me how to be a more patient, compassionate, understanding person, parent and teacher.

Thank you, God, for my daughters.


  1. Anthony: What a great blog. Too bad you didn't start it sooner. we sure enjoyed your postings. Keep them coming.
    Love your and your family.

    Mom and Dad

  2. I've heard there is surgery that can correct those Roberts family facial defects. Go for it!!!
