Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 01, 1994 - Happy 16th Anniversary, My Love!

I wrote the poem below to and for Janice when I was creating "Break," a dance performed in May of this year by my Companydance students at St. Olaf College. For me, the poem encapsulates what Janice, my loving, devoted, talented and beautiful bride of 16 years on this very day, means to me. It also offers a slight glimpse into the challenge she faced [and continues to endure (;>) ] when contemplating a life with me as her partner. I am ever thankful and prayerful that she said yes.

As cheesy as it may sound or read, Janice and I were made for each other. I thank God. I thank Janice. I thank her family. I thank the community of people, family and friends, who were there 16 years ago in Salt Lake City to witness and lend their support, approval, words of wisdom, humor and love to Janice and me on our wedding day. Our lives and partnership have been deeply enriched by these relationships.
We,  Janice and I, were made for each's to 'gouda love'. I look forward to many, many more years of love with Janice.

You Are Here

You are here.
I searched for you forever, it seems.
Yet, sightless and forever stumbling,
I failed to recognize you when, at last, you crossed my path.

At first, you were my shadow.
Connected to every step,
Every move I made.
My darkness forced you to fade away.
Even on the lightest of days.

But you emerged as a sun star, with your lovely light
Shining through the dense fog of my confused heart,
To help alter my ill-fated destiny.
Even on the darkest of days.

Without you I would still be bounding aimlessly
Through a desolate existence.
You are my savior.
With you, I can break this pattern of restless solitude.
Know love, give and receive love.
Even on the darkest of days.